Category Archives: MISCELLANEOUS

Kuwait Ministry of Information Bans ‘The Kingdom’

UPI reports the Hollywood action-thriller THE KINGDOM, which was shot in Abu Dhabi, starring Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner has been banned in Kuwait and Bahrain. It will, however, be shown uncut in the UAE, Qatar, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Oman. [Link]

An excerpt from the article:

Kuwait and Bahrain have banned theaters from showing “The Kingdom,” a Hollywood thriller set in Saudi Arabia, said Wednesday.The first Hollywood movie made in Abu Dhabi, “The Kingdom” is about an elite FBI team that goes to Saudi Arabia to investigate a terror attack on a U.S. compound. It is loosely based on the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings in Saudi Arabia, in which an Islamic fundamentalist cell attacked a U.S. compound, killing 19 U.S. servicemen. The movie has passed censors and will be shown uncut in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan, opening in most territories Thursday to tie in with the Eid al Fitr celebrations, the trade paper said. Kuwait is the most conservative of the Gulf countries when it comes to censoring foreign films, while Bahrain often feels pressure to do likewise from neighboring Saudi Arabia, whose cinemas have been closed for 30 years.”

Ramadan Nights: ‘Al-Qiyam’ At Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar Mosque

One of the most strikingly beautiful mosques in Kuwait is the Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar mosque, located in a prominent Surra roundabout (opposite the Co-Op area). The highlights of the mosque, apart from its grandiose interior, are the intricate ceramic Islamic caligraphy on the walls as well the stately chandeliers.

The ‘Al-Qiyam’ prayers begin at 11:45 pm, ending at 1:15 am, so they are perfect for employees who need to rise early.

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Al-Bahar Mosque, Surra, Sunday, 7.10.07, 6:35 am

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Following ‘Al-Qiyam’ Prayers, Al-Bahar Mosque, Surra, Sunday, 7.10.07, 1:28am

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Continue reading Ramadan Nights: ‘Al-Qiyam’ At Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar Mosque

Kuwait’s ‘Al-Watan TV’ Scores

I may not agree with the politics of the Al-Watan newspaper, nontheless, I have to admit that their new satellite station Al-Watan TV is one slick, efficient piece of programming with variety of shows covering various demographics. The promos and other related material between shows are also professional, well edited and scored – apparently they have a top notch team working behind the scenes as well.

An entertaining satirical show – which gives UAE’s Al-Fareej a run for its money – is Bu Qatada And Bu Nabeel, a CGI comedy revolving around a Westernised Kuwaiti, a Bedouin and an Islamist. Kudos to any show that manages to both simultaneously highlight our differences and celebrate them, not to mention offer talented, creative Kuwaitis an opportunity to create such programs.

If I were Al-Rai TV I’d be very nervous now.

As far as KTV is concerned they have become irrelevant with a huge drop in advertising revenue this year due to competition.

Kuwait’s Destitute

There is a misconception in the West that all Kuwaitis have Beverly Hills-style mansions, ride Bentleys and have an oil rig in their back yards.

There is much hidden poverty in Kuwait; many families are struggling, on a day to day basis, trying to to make ends meet, including many Kuwaiti families who are too proud to publicly ask for financial help, especially single parent families. The cradle to grave ‘benefits’ that our government always touts are practically useless, unless you enjoy decrepit school buildings with old desks, ceiling fans and a horrid, xenophobic syllabus; run-down, faltering, ineffective hospitals and clinics (with the occasional faulty medical diagnosis) and a government job that pays you $1,500 a month for life.

Following the Friday Noon Prayers at the mosque today, a man passionately spoke of families in Jleeb Al-Shuyuukh, including orphans, who were in dire financial straits, needing immediate help. “If you could just see them! I urge you to visit them!” he exclaimed, “You would never allow such an injustice to happen here.” The man was literally weeping. It is ‘Ramadan’, everyone is fasting, we were in a mosque, the man was sincere. It wasn’t a charity PR drive.

Our Prophet Mohamed, Peace Be Upon Him, stated “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this,” (putting his index and middle fingers together).

We should always count our blessings and do our best to help others, especially children who should never be neglected.

Ramadan: Shuwaikh


A serene afternoon in Shuwaikh, Tuesday, 19.9.07, 5:00pm

Ramadan: Kuwait’s Unsung Heroes

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If you think fasting, going to the mosque for prayer and refraining from impure, negative thoughts and actions throughout the day in Ramadan is hard, think again.

My brother-in-law is a low-key, humble individual. He not only spends the afternoon carefully monitoring and preparing food for over 150 laborers and low-income expatriates in Hawalli but also helps serve them food (even though he himself is fasting as well). He is the real embodiment of a Muslim, one who is a brother to all, irrespective of race, rank and color.

There are thousands of people like him in Kuwait working diligently – every single day of Ramadan – towards the betterment of others.

And they do it quietly. You won’t see their pictures in any newspapers.

Nevertheless, they are the real heroes in this society (and in Islam).

Twilight, Kuwait


Thursday, 12.9.07, 5:34 pm

Shorter ‘Ramadan’ Nights

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With the ‘Taraweeh prayers (ending at around 8:30pm), social visits and so forth, Ramadan nights seem to be getting shorter now, maybe due to the beginning of the work and school year and the psychological baggage associated with them. Or maybe it’s because we’re simply getting older and want to hit the sack earlier.

That will change, however, with the ‘Jiyaam’ prayers that occur the last 10 days of Ramadan, most of which start after midnight, many which can end at around 3:30 am as well.

Ramadan: A Kuwait Mosque


Shortly before the Taraweeh Prayers at a Surra Mosque — Friday, 14.9.07, 7:40pm


Following the Taraweeh Prayers — Friday, 14.9.07, 8:50pm

Wishing You All A Blessed Ramadan


Wishing you all the best of health, happiness and prosperity during this blessed month and beyond.