Category Archives: MISCELLANEOUS

Kuwait MP’s – Angered by Internet Slow Down – Out For Blood

Today’s edition of the Arab Times today featured an interesting article concerning the Internet Slow Down fiasco: MoC asked for info on cut in firm’s ‘overseas call’ service; 2 MPs forward questions to Dr Maasouma.

An Excerpt:

“MPs Ahmad Al-Saadoun and Abdullah Mahdi Al-Ajmi have forwarded two questions to Communications Minister Dr Maasouma Al-Mubarak. Al-Saadoun asked the Minister to provide him information on the Ministry’s plan to cut the international call services in one of the private telecommunication companies while Al-Ajmi demanded for an explanation on the disconnection of Kuwait’s Internet services in the past few days…Al-Saadoun explained that the Constitution stipulates that the country’s natural resources should be utilized in serving the best interests of the people…MOC easily granted licenses for some private companies to take advantage of these resources without taking into consideration the welfare of the State”.

Kuwait To Grant KD 200 ($690) To Citizens (But I Have A Better Idea)

It’s all over the wires now (LINK):

The one million citizens of Kuwait, where government financial assets have topped $166bn, are to receive a grant of 200 dinars ($690) each, the government announced on Sunday.

“In accordance with directives by the emir, the cabinet decided to provide all Kuwaiti citizens with a grant of 200 dinars each,” state minister for cabinet affairs Ismail al-Shatti said after the cabinet weekly meeting”.

I have a suggestion: How about the government keeps its meagre KD 200 and offer us the following:

* Uninterrupted water.
* Strong infrastructure.
* Decent health care and hospitals in all areas.
* Eliminate or lessen bureacracy.
* Shares to all citizens in newly privatized companies.
* A “Vision” for the future of Kuwait and its citizens.
* Decent jobs without glass ceilings to young people.
* Clean up the environment and limit toxic and environmental waste from oil companies and factories.

I’ll take any of the above goals as opposed to getting KD 200 every few years while the country makes billions off oil unable to efficiently spend or nurture the revenue.

Oh, I almost forgot, the public would also appreciate stable internet that doesn’t “break” days or weeks on end (I can’t even imagine how financial and public institutions are coping with this).

Government Sees The Light, Passes “5 Constituencies” Bill


In a welcome and positive move, the newly-sworn in Kuwaiti Cabinet has agreed to pass the “5 Constituencies” draft bill (Click HERE for the AFP article)

The reformers, the “Orange” activists made a difference; politics fused with social conscience can work. The demonstrations, the blog articles, the marches, the uploaded videos and satellite feeds, the role the young reformers played alongside reformist MPs, and most of all, the men and women who ventured into 50 degree heat and voted for reformers, all made history. Everyone played a part, everyone had good days and bad days, everyone got knocked down on their derrieres, but that’s fine because Kuwait is bigger than all of us.

Let us hope that the Government – who listened to the people and formed a cabinet in tune with the demands of the public – and the National Assembly start off working on positive lines towards the wellbeing and development of the country.

Are our problems over? Will corruption suddenly be eradicated from all of Kuwait? Will major projects suddenly materialize, upgrading infrastructure and services to citizens, as well as additional sources of revenue for the country?

No. But passing 5 Constituencies is a step in the right direction. Kuwait has wasted a lot of precious time already.

We all have a lot of catching up to do.

Quote Of The Day


“The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved”.

CONFUCIOUS (551 BC – 479 BC)

Happy Birthday America

During my years as a diplomat in Washington D.C., I presented dozens of briefings and lectures on the Kuwaiti-American bilateral relationship to a wide demographic of American citizens (‘think-thank’ analysts, lobbyists, students, military personnel) and a guaranteed effective icebreaker would be the following statement:
“Following the invasion of Kuwait, your Embassy – situated on our Gulf Road – was probably your only one in the world with pro-American graffiti on the walls.”
Behind the humor was a heartfelt statement symbolizing the gratitude and affection Kuwaitis held and – still hold – for the United States due to its liberation of Kuwait and continued support of peace and stability in the region.
I think the following quote by Italian Director Sergio Leone best sums up how we all feel about America:
“America is really the property of the world, and not only of the Americans, who, among other things, have the habit of diluting the wine of their mythical ideas with the water of the American Way of Life. America was something dreamed by philosophers, vagabonds and the wretched of the earth before it was discovered by Spanish ships and populated by colonies of the world.”
Today is the United States’ birthday, its day of independence. Kuwaitis salute your people and wish them peace, happiness and prosperity.

‘Election’ Thoughts

Three things I discovered today:

1. Women don’t vote for women.
2. The 29 ‘Orange’ seats added more reformers to their ranks. Most of the ‘Orange’ candidates came back stronger than ever.
3. Islamists gained more seats.

Conclusion: The government is going to have a much tougher time with this Parliament than the one that got dissolved.

It’s Over, I Voted

Voting in the afternoon was smooth and dandy. No waiting, no hassles (although they wouldn’t let a young man ahead of me vote because he was wearing “short pants” according to the Judge – I’m not joking…)

It’s a good feeling seeing women vote for the first time in Kuwait, knowing you have democratic rights and a strong constitution to back those rights; and knowing your input – however limited – might help make political history.

‘Al-Watan’ Alleged Fake Photo, Claims Thousands At ‘Blue Rally’

Al-Watan’s behaviour through the whole ‘5 For Kuwait’ crisis has been nothing short of offensive, prejudiced and dangerous.

  • They ran online polls asking people whether they support 5 constituencies and quickly withdrew them when they found an overwhelming majority supported the reform.

  • They ran unflattering photographs of young men in Parliament yawning and the like (they were up almost all night showing their support for ‘5 For Kuwait).

  • They ran critical pieces on the ‘5 For Kuwait’ campaign and the 29 reformist MP’s.

But now they really have gone over the line by photoshoping, by basically faking a large photograph that ran on the front page following featuring the “Blue Movement” (anti-5 constituencies).

Here are the pictures. Check out the size of the body types and heads featured (especially comparing crowds front and back and left to right – they are not in proportion to each other). And most of all check out the headless individual holding the flag. It is obvious that this picture has been extensively photoshoped with a variation of cut and paste images.

The Front Page

The Fake Photograph

This newspaper’s actions have been so blatant, so predictable, they are now the laughing stock of the public here. I would expect this kind of pandering from an Iraqi newspaper under Qusai or Uday Hussein but not in Kuwait.

A big hearty thanks to Sand Dunes and A Kuwaiti Online for uncovering and highlighting this issue.For an in-depth look at the photographs with Arabic language commentary check out Safat Square as well.

Quote Of The Day

“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”

AESOP (~550 BC)

Stills Of The ‘Cancer Charity Event’ At Qortuba

I passed by the ‘Charity Event to Benefit Cancer Patients at Hussain Makki Jumaa Hospital’ event today at the Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Hall in Qortoba (today is the last day of the charity sale).

Here are a few snapshots of the event.

The Sheik Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Hall In Qortuba


Home Accessories

The Exhibition Items