Pre-Marriage Checkup or ‘No Marriage’


The new marriage law providing for pre-marriage checkup will be in force on Sunday, August 2, 2009, Assistant Undersecretary of Kuwaiti Ministry of Health for Medical Services, Dr. Yousuf Al-Nesf announced Wednesday.


“The aim of the legislation is to ensure a healthy and happy family and eradicate the hereditary and communicable diseases in Kuwait”, said Dr. Yousef Al-Nesf during the announcement.

Meanwhile, Abdullah Al-Hamoud, supervisor of family affairs at the Justice Ministry, said if the results of the lab tests proved that the would-be marriage is unsafe due to the illness of one or both of the partners, the marriage contract would be cancelled.

“A marriage officer is authorized to solemnize a marriage only after receiving a certificate that verifies that the couple conducted a checkup and were physically fit,” Al-Hamoud reminded.

The survival of the fittest or is it catalyzing the process of being the fittest ?

Do we need to accelerate the nature’s process by adopting such rules?

Are we morally justified ?

And The Beat Goes On


“A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul”.

George Bernard Shaw

Succesful Student Startups: Top Characteristics


We all understand that money can be a powerful motivation.

Most of us don’t realize it, until we starting making some money by ourselves at regular intervals of time.

Students can be enterprising, independent and smart.
The question is how ?

They can do a lot of multi-tasking with their studies, researching into unknown territories, coordinating events, excelling at extra-curricular activities and so on.

Well that gets one, some good experience, dedication, time management skills, and people management.

However, students may be “Independent” financially.
Not because they are deprived of finances, but because it helps them understand the principles of generating money by their ideas.

How to convert an idea into a money making machine… ?

The product/service which probably may qualify to be a successful startup has certain characteristics such as:

  1. It caters to a specific need of a larger community or immediate smaller group
  2. It is easily accessible by different means (consider online access and never forget the traditional way)
  3. The demand for it is perpetual (lasting an indefinitely long time). It need not have to be in super high demand. It needs to be asked daily. E.g. Bread.
  4. It does not require a lot of investment at the beginning
  5. Can be coupled with other existing products/services (especially useful while starting, e.g. you can bundle your product or service with some other product/service. e.g. Think DELL and Microsoft)
  6. It can be started in a garage or in the basement. (no huge real estate requirements)
  7. Can be started with a single individual or two. Two is preferred.
  8. It can be described easily to an average individual
  9. Takes less time to monitor by the business owner (Spending an hour or two at the beginning should be suffice. Remember your primary objective is still to succeed at studies)
  10. Should be able to diversify
  11. Being aware of financial lessons which are not taught in classrooms, but gained by experience is a HUGE advantage when one graduates.

The idea here is not to make ONLY money, however in a long run, be able to learn how to shape an economy.

Once one masters certain principles of making money, money just keeps flowing.
Keep the input and output flow of money at almost the same rate.

Keep the money always flowing, never keep it static.
Otherwise one runs a big risk of not making more or even losing it.

The Disintegration Of Kuwait


A few days ago I attended a conference in Dubai.

I attempted to check in at the ‘Kuwait Airways’ desk at Dubai Airport, amidst a frenzied crowd, and was told there was ‘an eight hour delay from the ‘Kuwait Airways’ side’

The crowd around me, consisting of families and businessmen were cursing the state (“What is wrong with our country?” and “Why are they refusing to develop it – where is our money going?”). There was anger in the crowd, pure venom. They didn’t care if Emirati citizens or foreigners were listening – they have had it with Kuwait’s lack of services and mean, tight-fisted ways and they were verbally generous.

We scurried, managing to transfer our tickets to Emirates Airlines – departing at the original KA time – at the brand new, gleaming, high-tech Terminal Three (there was a work-in-progress metro rail outside that looked like something out of ‘Epcot’).

The trip was smooth. Even in Economy passengers were treated with the utmost respect and service was excellent (if it were Economy in ‘Kuwait Airways’ the personnel would have treated us all like garbage, especially the Asians).

A perfect landing by the Emirates pilot was briefly interrupted by a screeching brake.

We are sorry ladies and gentleman, there was a driver who managed to speed across our tarmac during our arrival,” said the pilot. Passengers burst out laughing, “Yes, we definitely are in Kuwait now!” they hollered.

We exited our planes and were met with crowds of laborers and tourists, cigarette smoke, filthy ambience, dim lighting and the obligatory pink airport signs – yes we had arrived at Kuwait Airport, a far cry from whence we came. But hey, its home isn’t it. We were relieved and content.

Two days later, the electricity goes off in my neighborhood, for three hours. The Ministry of Electricity’s line was constantly busy. I went to check the local transformer/electrical building and found expatriate Ministry of Electricity technicians waiting, unable to do anything (“Please call the Ministry,” they implored me, “we are waiting for the hajji Kuwaiti engineer.”). They wanted my help in contacting their ministry – think about that for a minute.

This morning I open a newspaper and see quotes by Ministry of Electricity Under-Secretaries admitting there will be more power cuts this summer. Bloggers and columnists have been writing about this crisis for over five years – why didn’t the government do anything about it? Oh wait, they spent half a billion on decrepit generators that didn’t do the job – genius.

Let me say one thing to the movers and shakers (and I know for a fact you, your kids and your relatives follow this and other blogs): enough is enough, get your heads out of your posteriors, forget your egotistical, tired summits and conferences, and get working for the state, for this country. It is time you provided basic services to people without humiliating them – there is a resentment and anger towards government and officials in this country that you are not aware of.

We are a rich country. Use our resources wisely and work for us – that is what you are there for: public service.

Patience is not indefinite. And God won’t forgive those who don’t take care of their flock.

كيف سيكون العالم بدون .. إعلام

قبل كل شيئ أود ان القي تحية عطرة الى موقع هلالية الذي يتيح لنخبة من المدونين ان يلتقوا في مدونة واحدة لكتابة مايجول بخاطرهم من مواضيع .. صحيح انني امتلك مفتاح دخول منذ اشهر ولكنني فضلّت عدم كتابة اي موضوع طائش خاصة الموضوع الاول الذي سيكون هنا وثانيا بسبب نسياني لكلمة السر مرتين متتاليتن
بداية أود ان اشير الى سؤال كان يجول في خاطري قبيل الانتخابات وربما كتبت عنه بشكل غير مباشر وهو الاعلام بجميع اشكاله (صحف – اذاعة – تلفاز – انترنت … الخ) وقلت حينها ان تلك القنوات هي الرابح الاكبر … كونها سعت بشكل غير مباشر الى حل مجلس الامة لاهداف مادية وسياسية وكونها تسعى الى ارباح في ظل ازمة عصفت حتى بجزر القمر
تخيلوا معي عدد الاعلانات الكبيرة والضخمة التي تم نشرها بالصحف ؟ تخيلوا معي قيمة الاعلانات التي تم دفعها مقابل ثواني قليلة في القنوات الفضائية !! بل تخيلوا معي قيمتها في الاذاعة والانترنت وما الى ذلك … وهناك ايضا البرامج الحوارية التي استضافت اشخاص لا دخل لهم لابمجلس امة لا من قريب ولا من بعيد ولكن بسبب العلاقات المتينة وبسبب اعلاناتهم التي تملا الصحف هنا وهناك
انفلونزا الخنازير .. جنون البقر … انفلوانزا الطيور … السالمونيلا والعديد من الامراض الاخرى الحديثة والقديمة انتشرت بسرعة البرق قبل وقوعها اصلا كل ذلك بسبب الاعلام … مع العلم ان المرض قد لايشكل اي خطر حقيقي الا لمن لهم جهاز مناعة ضعيف
الكويت صرفت الملايين على دواء لا نعرف كيف شكله حتى الان … وصرفت الالاف على اجهزة تم توزيعها على المطارات والحدود ولا نعرف كيف اصلا تعاملت مع آلاف المسافرين قبل قدوم تلك الاجهزة
باختصار … ماذا لو جميع القنوات الاعلامية لم تكن موجودة ؟

Kuwait Has Done Its Bit


We’ve done our bit.

Now the Government needs to step up to the plate.

Congratulations Kuwait


L-Right (Aseel Al-Awadi, Rola Dashti, Salwa Al-Jassar and Masouma Mubarak) L-Three: Stephanie McGehee/Reuters; right, Yasser Al-Zayyat/AFP-Getty Images

Our faith in the system and people of Kuwait was reaffirmed today.

Following years of uncertainty and gridlock, the people of Kuwait have voted for change. I am certainly in high spirits, and relieved. We were hoping one or two women would make it in, we got four!

Some newcomer independents also won and ‘Hadas’ took a big hit in the 3rd District (my district). The ‘fatwas’ and mudslinging by xenophobic elements towards women and progressive candidates backfired, reenergizing and intensifying support for them.

Congratulations to the qualified ladies and newcomers.

Deja-Vu Kuwait ‘Election Day’ – Third Time The Charm?

Rain in Islam is a blessed event, and it rained slightly today on ‘Election Day’ (our third in over three years). Hopefully, it is a positive omen of things to come.

Voting took a maximum of ten minutes, including a detour by a Candidate (who gave the obligatory two minute campaign speech) on my way to voting.

It seemed very quiet this year, with reports of low voter turnouts from all the districts.









Let us hope the third time is the charm.

Here are a couple of previous stories: last year’s ‘Election Day’ (2008) post ‘Casting The Ballot In Kuwait’ and the prior post ‘It’s Over, I Voted’ (2006).

Word To The Wise



One week to elections.

Please don’t vote for people who don’t respect women’s political rights, who court and fund foreign extremist elements, who auction their shoes for so-called ‘freedom fighters,’ who lambast the Prime Minister yet accept funds from him, who issue fatwas based on personal interests and who accept ‘campaign contributions’ from foreign citizens.

Here endeth the speech.

Your Criterion And The Candidate


‘National Assembly’ Extension

May 16th, Election Day, is on the horizon.

People often ask what my personal criterion is in electing someone – some of it instinctual, most of it is real politik-based, in other words, candidates who perform their duties in a realistic, level-headed manner with the national interests at heart, devoid of extremist, foreign ideologies and immune to the vaults of riches and personal self-aggrandizement.

In many cases, however, there are candidates who are smart, educated, progressive but don’t particularly fit a ‘code,’ a set of questions that I mentally scrutinize concerning the candidate:

  • Who will the candidate support as ‘Speaker of the Parliament’?

  • Will the candidate accept a cabinet position?

  • Does the candidate have any business interests with the state?

There are a couple of exceptional candidates, from both genders, look impressive on paper, but offering them a vote would be fruitless – they wouldn’t meet the aforementioned benchmarks. I don’t know about you, but I am not in the business of electing individuals interested in cabinet positions (or in individuals who enjoy the ‘status quo’) – to me those are wasted votes.

What are your personal benchmarks for the ideal candidate?